SIKLAB, as “spark” are talks by HR and Organizational Development experts. Its purpose is to motivate and inspire PNOC employees to embrace change.

On Communication and Social Dynamics

During the first session of SIKLAB, Dr. James Lactao, PhD, RGC, LPT, RCh, conducted a masterclass on Micro Skills in Listening and Responding. The session focused on effective communication and interpersonal dynamics. Dr. Lactao explained the importance of active listening, empathy, and paraphrasing in communication. He also went into the nuanced components of listening and responding, specifically on non-verbal cues. He provided valuable insights into responsive techniques, with practical exercises for attendees to use and improve their communication skills.

Dr. Lactao’s engaging delivery and expertise gave participants a greater understanding of cultivating more vital and empathetic communication skills. His presentation was practical and impactful, empowering attendees with actionable strategies to enhance their communication skills in both personal and professional spheres.

Principles within PNOC Organization

During the second Siklab presentation, Dr. Roque L. Carballo explained the underlying meaning of adhering to core values within PNOC. Dr. Carballo’s talk highlighted how these values are the foundation upon which all actions and decisions should be anchored. Embodying these values enables our journey toward excellence, integrity, and competence.

Impact of Gratitude

In Siklab 3, PNOC employees focused on the transformative influence of gratitude, with Dr. Zenon Arthur S. Udani as  the session guide.  Dr. Udani, an exceptional HRD and OD consultant, leadership coach, speaker, and writer, delved into the importance of gratitude in fostering employee engagement and amplifying productivity.  

He made the audience aware of the profound impact, appreciation can make in elevating workplace happiness to a higher level, thus encouraging employees to escape the cycle of discontentment and cultivate within PNOC an environment characterized by gratitude and enthusiasm.

“Thank God It’s Monday” Mindset

During Siklab 4, PNOC employees came together for an encouraging self-growth session led by Mr. Jose Maria A. Magalona, a freelance Management Consultant. With a mission to instill a “Thank God It’s Monday” attitude, Mr. Magalona stressed the importance of cultivating a purposeful and mindful approach to work and daily life. He also emphasized continuous learning and the idea of remaining cheerful and mindful, encouraging employees to embrace new knowledge and skills while embracing every moment as an opportunity for growth. Throughout the session, PNOC employees gained valuable insights into the power of self-improvement, igniting a passion for continuous growth and personal development within the organization.